最近,碳合同一直是全国各地农民和牧场主谈论的热门话题. Essentially, 有意降低碳排放影响的公司付钱给土地所有者,让他们采取措施在土地上储存更多的碳.

As with any agreement, 在签订碳排放合同之前,会出现一些法律和经济问题,应该仔细考虑. A critical consideration is that landowners should never rely on verbal representations made by anyone related to a contract; assume only the written contractual terms will be enforceable. This is new territory, 关于碳市场和这些碳协议,仍然存在许多未知因素.

Read the full article from the April Texas REALTOR® 杂志,以了解在您的客户签署碳合同之前您需要了解的更多定义和概念.